conflict & communication online, Vol. 11, No. 1, 2012
ISSN 1618-0747




Kristin Skare Orgeret & Hillol Sobhan
The BDR mutiny in Bangladeshi media. From a ‘proletarian revolution’ to a ‘brutal massacre’

The article analyses the media coverage of the BDR mutiny in Bangladesh, February 2009. In examining journalistic processes and how the Bangladeshi media reported the violent conflict, the article looks at how the approaches of peace journalism can be used in actual conflict reporting. Through a combination of methods the article discusses the dominant trends in the news coverage of the mutiny. Studying three newspapers’ coverage in detail, it was found that nearly two-thirds of the news reports reduced conflicts to force and violence, while one-third had a ‘peace frame’. Interestingly all the editorials analyzed had a ‘peace frame’. Presenting excerpts from interviews with journalists and editors, the article talks to the discussion about how journalists and editors themselves interpret, accept or challenge the process of conflict reporting.


  full text in English  
On the authors:
Kristin Skare Orgeret, Dr. Art, is Associate Professor at Department of Journalism, Media and Communication at Oslo University College, Norway. She has been widely involved in transnational media research. The main focus of most of her academic publications is the role of media and journalism in post-conflict and democratization processes.

Hillol Sobhan is Communications Adviser for International Food Security Network (IFSN), ActionAid International, stationed in Dhaka, Bangladesh. He holds a Master degree in Media and Communication Studies from Örebro University, Sweden and another Masters in English Literature from the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. During the research work for this article Hillol Sobhan had been attached to the Department of Journalism, Media and Communication at Oslo University College, Norway